Go to the church
The last pensioners demonstration during the pensioners riots in Novosibirsk for their rights.
The last pensioners demonstration during the pensioners riots in Novosibirsk for their rights.
Illegal police bocking and activity near single manifestators during the begining period of putin fascists area.
Final celebration of fascists government when Putin oficially became fascists dictator.
Nobody came to celebration except of protestors and police.
The actors have to stop the perfomance and police cleaned the square.
Two years after Russia attack Ukraina.
At hot siberian saturday (-18˚C– -20˚C) there was a manifestation in Novosibirsk agains Putin and his party and falsifications of the vote.
According to journalists there was from 1500 to 2000 participants.
There were also siberian regionals, russian nationalists, kommunists and more and more.
Manifestation in -31˚C against polution from factories and nuclear waste
After the fake federal vote to parlament moscow occupants organise pseudo political groups to push citizens fro politic.
Some time regime prvocators act to much provocative without an order and police dosn’t like it.