Siberia, Page 6
Russian march 2011

Russian march 2011

Russian nationalists take a new holiday Day of National Unity in despite of 1612 year events as there Russian National Day.

But in 2011 this day in Novosibirsk became real Russian Day of National Unity against the regime.

Socialists and nationalists, liberals and jews come together  against the moscow regime that destroyes even the base of the state and kills civilians and jaile them.

Police against the law

Police against the law

Rudnizkii and Manannikov manifest near office of government party and police called by the clerks of this office tryinf to frighten them and me to move us away.

Stop feeding Moscow

Stop feeding Moscow

Even siberian police against violation of russian Constitution and stands for federal budget law and against transfer all the tax money to Moscow and Checnia

Fascism will never win?

Fascism will never win?

Police of Novosibirsk arrests the agitation car of the deputy of russian federal parlament – Ilia Ponomarev that was duty orginiser of retaree manifestation this time

People that rent appartments manifest

People that rent appartments manifest

People that rent dormitory app manifest in protest of impossibility to privitize there appartments like everyone did in 90th – they were waiting then for a normal appartment like everyone who did privitise were waiting in USSR. Those where late

Manifestation in rememberance of Anna Politkovskaya

Manifestation in rememberance of Anna Politkovskaya

Manifestation in rememberance of russian  journalist Anna Politkovskaya killed by regime.

The old woman that passed on the site: “Its’ for good that she was killed: shouldn’t be so bright”.

That classic russian reaction: the slavery was canceled in Russia not long ago before soviet revolution and actually most of russians were and still are slaves.

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