демонстрация, Page 2
Go to the church

Go to the church

The last pensioners demonstration during the pensioners riots in Novosibirsk for their rights.

Artem Loskutov and fellows

In doubt

Artem Loskutov organised manifestation “in doubt”

In doubt about legitimacy of Putin presidency

The choice was done

The choice was done

Final celebration of fascists government when Putin oficially became fascists dictator.

Nobody came to celebration except of protestors and police.

The actors have to stop the perfomance and police cleaned the square.

Two years after Russia attack Ukraina.

Manifestation of mink  fur coats

Manifestation of mink fur coats

After protest activity of citisenz occupative regime decide to act: they dmand from all the municipality clerks, teachers and doctors to go to the manifestation.

Only single groups really believe in this ideas.

And new in Kremlin politics: groups of houligans ruled by ex-policemens and on black money.

Siberian flag on manifestation

Putin have to go - united manifestation

At hot siberian saturday  (-18˚C– -20˚C)  there was a manifestation in Novosibirsk agains Putin and his party and falsifications of the vote.

According to journalists there was from 1500 to 2000 participants.

There were also siberian regionals, russian nationalists, kommunists and more and more.
