Russian ortodox church Procession
Russian ortodox church
21 september 1991
Russian ortodox church
21 september 1991
Stray dog cafe – located on novosibirsk and has a conception of former Stray dog cafe in St.Petersburg (1912) which was named after the same concept cafe in Barcelona Els Quatre Gats
At hot siberian saturday (-18˚C– -20˚C) there was a manifestation in Novosibirsk agains Putin and his party and falsifications of the vote.
According to journalists there was from 1500 to 2000 participants.
There were also siberian regionals, russian nationalists, kommunists and more and more.
In 1992 a lot of movements rise up on the wave of freedom in Russia.
Monarhists are among them.
Little brother of my schoolteacher of history and schoolfriend of mine on pics
Manifestation in -31˚C against polution from factories and nuclear waste
After the fake federal vote to parlament moscow occupants organise pseudo political groups to push citizens fro politic.
Coordination on so huge distances like in Siberia is very hard especially when it’s about opposition in fascist country.
Denis Zepov come from Kemerovo to Novosibirsk to coordinate All Siberia rally against buring russian fabric waste in Siberia.
Denis Zepov call himself apolitic men but as a citisen he have to do what he is doing.
Actions was supported by russian nazionalists (close to israel Likud party or Makron)
Some time regime prvocators act to much provocative without an order and police dosn’t like it.