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New Fight for Freedom

New Fight for Freedom

As you know corrupted dictator Netaniahu that now is temprorary on the place of prime minister of Israel trying to concentrate all the power in his hands and prepare fascists revolt together with his friends that are convicted by court for supporting terrorism. Israel is rashed by manifestations.

Balfur kfar haMaccabi

Balfur kfar haMaccabi

2021 june 2

Results are coming

Two sides are gathering

Balfur Jerusalem 2021 marth 21

Balfur Jerusalem 2021 marth 21

2021 marth 21


Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv

Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv

25  september 2021


featured // Balfur
Demonstration on Balfur

Demonstration on Balfur

Balfur is the street where family Netaniauy – Prime Minister of Israel lives.

The manifestators demand from him to retire.

It was close to 5-10 thousands people that came mostly from Tel Aviv – which never happens in Israel.

First it was nonviolent protest but very noizy so the son of Netaniu cannot sleep – it was opposite to his windows (on one video someone marks his windows).

Then demonstrators come to Municipality and stop the city light rail.

Police began to spead them and they back to Balfur street (actually street is closed by Shabak so it’s Gaza street)

50 were arrested.

Balfur Jerusalem 2021 jan 30

Balfur Jerusalem 2021 jan 30

2021 January 30

2020 december 5 Jerusalem

2020 december 5 Jerusalem

2020 december 5

Balfur 23 july 2020

Balfur 23 july 2020

coverage // Tel Aviv Pride
Jerusalem march for pride and tolerance 2018

Jerusalem march for pride and tolerance 2018

Tel Aviv pride parade 2022

Tel Aviv pride parade 2022

10 june 2022

To be afraid

To be afraid

Pride 2007  in Jerusalem

Eilat pride

Eilat pride

ethiopian riots
Ethiopian riots In Israel

Ethiopian protests

For a long time jews with black skin experience in israel an racism from jews with white skin, ethnic russians and arabs. Israel government instead of helping this community just spread them money, pay them more money in army that dont let this community to study, instead of special courses that i took both in russia and israel to get in university, they have quotes in universities, instead of jobs – free appartments in special centres for poor.
This summer jews soldier with black skin was bitten by ethnical russian policmen “to ensure his safety”.
More than 7000 up to 10 demonstrants in Jerusalem march to white elite neighbourhood where prime minister residence is situated and was stopped by insufficient police forces which suddenly began to fire gaz granades into the public, without cleaning the area from tourists, pedestrians. Some policemans on horses tried to smash demonstrants, old people which just pass over, their own officers, bitten demonstrates with satisfaction.
A week later in tel aviv police threw up thousands of flashbangs in the crowd, violently beat demonstrators. All this began after police provocation when huge number of forces with fight amunition and non lethal weapon appeared in peacefull demonstration.
Later in this year huge part of Knesset deputies which is responsable on police chief were arrested. Ex major of Jerusalem was find guilty in court for corraption and sentence for 8 monthes.

Ethioian riots

Ethioian riots

Israel police holding ethiopian jew protester

Black night in Tel Aviv

For those who don’t understand hebrew. For a long time jews with black skin experience in israel an racism from jews with white skin, ethnic russians and arabs.
Israel government instead of helping this community just spread them money, pay them more money in army that dont let this community to study, instead of special courses that i took both in russia and israel to get in university, they have quotes in universities, instead of jobs – free appartments in special centres for poor.
This summer jews soldier with black skin was bitten by ethnical russian policmen «to ensure his safety».

More than 7000 up to 10 demonstrants in Jerusalem march to white elite neighbourhood where prime minister residence is situated and was stopped by insufficient police forces which suddenly began to fire gaz granades into the public, without cleaning the area from tourists, pedestrians.

Some policemans on horses tried to smash demonstrants, old people which just pass over, their own officers, bitten demonstrates with satisfaction.
In tel aviv police threw up thousands of flashbangs in the crowd, violently beat demonstrators.

All this began after police provocation when huge number of forces with fight amunition and non lethal weapon appeared in peacefull demonstration.
Later in this year huge part of Knesset deputies which is responsable on police chief were arrested. Ex major of Jerusalem was find guilty in court for corraption and sentence for 8 monthes.

Our people

Our people

Couple of days before russian speaker policmen beated ethiopian speaker soldier while soldier was standing on the street.

The ex-policmen argued that he wanted to secure the soldier and thats why he neaded to use a force.

Actually there was a camera and it captured the brutality of russian.

I don’t understand why people that speak russian as native language and were born in Russia or USSR are allowed to serve in police or government office. There was not even once when the help of russian speaker government clerk was helpfull for me. I think there should not be russian speakers in police and municipality or ministry of foreign affairs or ministry of internal affairs or Knesset. Actually I think that there should be only people that were born in Israel or at least immigrants until the age of 6. Because in most countries this is the age when kids go to school and take all government propoganda.

So today I was back from our office and seen this huge amount of people marching towards residents of prime minister.

Suddenly I heard silence of fireworks and then realize that it was gaz bombs.

I think Israel government should kick out all police head officers immideately, build fast trains to Beer Sheva and make prices for the tikets there not high than a price in city bus in Tel Aviv. The next step is special courses for ethiopians to prepare them to high school (my parent pay for teacher and i took three different courses to get to university because it was obviouse to me that I have to). And there should not be any russians in Israel police. And Netaniau should retire.

So I got my first gaz breath and it was cool.

Very pretty girls in police and very pretty girls among demonstrants make my day.

Here it is. This is the place I almost everyday go home. I was far away from demonstration. It’s not looks like something different at all. I was standing there and got gaz in my face without any announcment.

Video The Holy fire in Jerusalem The Holy fire in Jerusalem 30 Apr 2016
Ethioian riots
3 May 2015
OK Zou Banda 2016
27 Jun 2016
Feast of Sant Joan in Barcelona
23 - 24 June 2016
Tel Aviv Pride
Jun 2017
coverage // Monstration



In the train

House of actors

House of actors

30 of april – day before Monstration

Monstration 2012

Monstration 2012

part 2

Supporting president Putin

Supporting president Putin

Commnunist party against falsification of votes

Commnunist party against falsification of votes

Navalny at Novosibirsk

Navalny at Novosibirsk

The leader of russian opposition in Novosibirsk

Retaree protests

Retaree protests

Technion Student Association

Technion Student Association

27 november 1998 - Student protest

27 november 1998 - Student protest

Holy Light

The Holy Fire

Orthodox tradition holds that the Holy Fire happens annually on the day preceding Orthodox Pascha  in which a blue light emanates within Jesus Christ’s tomb (wiki)

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Umbrellas marche

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Culture & Religion
The Gold Turnip

The Gold Turnip

Loskutov  handing surikovs' brush

Two artmens

Technion - student day 1998 Shalom Asayag

Technion - student day 1998 Shalom Asayag

Technion – student day 1998

Shalom Asayag is an israeli comic

Festival of contemporary art in Novosibirsk

Festival of contemporary art in Novosibirsk

coverage // Retaree protests
Revolution of oldies

Revolution of oldies

Retaree goes to regional consul offices

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Retaree protests

Retaree protests

part 1


A "traditional" retaree march

A “traditional” retaree march that was joined with communist party manifestation

Manifestation for recreation of USSR

Manifestation for recreation of USSR

Siberia for clean air

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Manifestation in -31˚C against polution from factories and nuclear waste

Balfur Tel Aviv

Balfur Tel Aviv

2020 november 19

Retaree protests yesterday

Retaree protests yesterday

Artem Loskutov


Boris Nemzov - Novosibirsk

Boris Nemzov - Novosibirsk


Halloween 31

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Tomsk 2011

Tomsk 2011

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Imageboard in Tomsk

Imageboard in Tomsk

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Democracy is a right for nations self-determination

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2021 january 16

Like Belarus and Khabarovsk Israel is going to accept neo fasicts regime. Socialists that try to create social lift just help neo fascists to make kids, bring them to country from all over the world and hand over the country into the hands of there police and there regime.
